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Welcome To
Sarvodaya Polytechnic College
The school is equipped with all the facilities that are necessary to impart quality education to the students. To name a few – Science Laboratories (Physics, Chemistry & Biology), A Library, Computer Education big and airy classrooms with comfortable desk and benches, a big playground etc. have added to the overall development of a child and to view at things from a wider perspective. For the convenience of the students staying at far off places, school buses are allotted . Therefore, from the initial numbers of Hundred students to a number of approximately 2000 students at present is obviously an achievement for the school.

Our Courses

Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering is considered as the mother of all other engineering branches. In the beginning of modern engineering there were only two branches of engineering viz.

Electrical Engineering
The students are trained in practical courses involving testing and maintenance of electrical machinery and their controls, estimation and set up of electrical wiring in buildings and houses

Mechanical Engineering
Mechanical Engineering deals with the properties of steam and thermal energy. Boilers, Steam engines, refrigerators, air conditioners, heat engines and IC engines are the application of this subject.

Computer Science & Engineering
The 21st century is the era of computing. All aspects of human life are promoted and supported by the prominent area of computing such as Computer Science and Engineering.
Why Choose Us
At Sarvodya Polytechnic College we stand as a beacon of excellence in Technical Education. Here are several reasons why choosing us for your educational journey is a step towards a brighter future:
Commitment to Quality Education
Experienced Faculty
Hands-On Learning Opportunities

In the pursuit of education, challenges may arise, and obstacles may seem insurmountable. But remember, every challenge is an opportunity for growth, and every setback is a chance to rise stronger than before.
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